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For two or three months now, we have begun to sense a season of change. We love the area that we moved to this summer and have definitely been made aware of the need that is here, but have continued to see that the reason we originally came to Effingham County and our heart for ministry in this area no longer lie on parallel paths. In light of that, Jonathan has resigned from his pastoral role within the church to accept a position with Lifeway Christian Resources, and we are truly excited to see what God brings out of that!
In addition, I am also going back to work full-time outside the home. Not so much for the money or benefits, though those are a huge plus, but we have felt the need to bring a bit more security to our home. In light of that, I have accepted a marketing and sales position with a landscape design company which all but fell in my lap in a completely divinely-appointed way. It was overwhelming to see how God orchestrated this position, and I am very excited to be starting with them tomorrow. It will be a change for all of us, the kids included, as either Jonathan or I have always been home with them, but once again, God just laid a perfect situation with a mom in the church to watch them during the week.
God has continued to lay Isaiah 43:19 before me during this time, which says: "Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, [and] rivers in the desert." Each new year, I normally gravitate to a verse or passage, and this seems to be the one for 2012! In addition, I was introduced to a song named "Beautiful Things", which has so utterly captivated my heart during this time where we have stepped out in faith and obedience, which I will share with you. May it touch your heart as it has mine!