As some of you know, my small group is going through Cynthia Heald's "Becoming A Woman of Simplicity". Though the book is more geared toward the spiritual, a lot of the lessons have really convicted me in simplifying other areas in my life.
In a nutshell, I have too much stuff.
Not that it isn't useful stuff, mind you! I am frugal by nature, so keeping three 3/4 empty bottles of shampoo under my sink is normal (It will get through an empty bottle crisis if I run out and can't get to the store, says my logic), or keeping the partial container of spices that are at least four years old (Oregano! Oh no! What if I run out!). In light of the fact that we are creeping up on the one-year anniversary of move into the new house, I am frustrated with the fact at how much we have STILL not unpacked. Or organized things that were haphazardly thrown into closets or cupboards just so we could function post-move. Or simply tossed the junk that has moved with us several times or sat in our storage unit for four years.
In light of that, I am launching a small series of simplicity projects. One small thing a day to help me simplify my life. Less clutter and less mess is less stress. More time with my sweet Savior, to focus on my family, to have more energy towards more healthful living. So today's project took about 35 minutes and consisted of two kitchen cupboards that have driven Jonathan and I crazy for months. I forgot to take before pictures, but here is the after effects of my work today:
If you have not been in my kitchen before, you wouldn't know that my spices filled the entire larger cupboard, and my coffee mugs and our medicines overflowed the smaller one. On top of that, I have had no where to put my leftover containers and they were just piled in with the pots and pans. Enter in a Simplicity Project and viola! Space (and the realization that I am out of K-Cups)! As soon as let a few more days of dishes/leftovers from the fridge and dishwasher cycle through, any spare lids without an owner will be tossed and my batter bowls will on the top shelf as well. So in reality, it was really three cupboards that got organized today. :o)
And in light of simplifying, I even ordered the Large (2 Cup) Measure All Cup at a Pampered Chef party tonight. I only have mismatched measuring cups, so out the window they will soon go to help cut back on some space as well. Simple and practical!