Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Month and New Year!

So I didn’t even come close to my goal of 10,000 words in December.  I blame this on a few things.  First of all, an adorable little boy named Ethan, who is a newborn.  Second, going back to work only a week after having Ethan.  Third, being sick constantly!  I had a horrible cold/sinus infection, and then the stomach flu, then my wisdom teeth removed.  So no, I did not write as much as I wanted to in December.

However, not only is it a new month, it is a new year!  And a great way to start off a new year is with a clean slate.  For me, this includes a new month for writing, and hopefully, I can reach my goal of 10,000 words this month.

Speaking of a new year, however, always brings up the subject of resolutions.  I have mixed feelings about this.  On the plus side, I am all for having goals.  Without having goals written down and set, I rarely do anything.  In addition, I am a dreamer, and I love to dream of what I want to be and want to do.  However, that leads to the down side of resolutions; sometimes they are impossible to keep!  Many will plan resolutions and then a week later, completely throw in the towel because they got off track, and discouraged, and simply quit.

So I’ve been torn about what I want to set for myself this year.  Do I have dreams and plans for this year?  Absolutely!  I ran across a quote yesterday that I plan to use as a year “motivator” for me.  I often have a verse or saying that ends up describing the year, and I think this one is it:  

"Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die."  --Daniel H. Burnham

So I do not plan to make tiny plans, but big ones.  However, with big resolutions, one needs little, realistic steps to get there!  For instance, a big goal of mine is to lose weight.  And not just ten or twenty pounds.  I actually need to lose 75 pounds to get down to a healthy weight.  Losing 75 pounds in twelve months seems like such a huge number!  Yet when it is broken down into months, 75 pounds in a year comes down to 6.25 pounds in a month.  That is very realistic and that I know I can do.

Another resolution comes down to my business (for those of you who don’t know, we own a nanny agency).  I would like to see that grow enough to cover our “four walls” of bills every month.  This upcoming week will be spent goal-setting for the agency to try to achieve that by the end of year, though I’d prefer to see that by this summer!

I also want to see my walk with Jesus become a closer one.  These past two years I have really struggled with not only having joy with Jesus, but simply even having the desire to have intimacy and vulnerability with Christ.  One thing I’ve already started doing is reading through the Bible.  I don’t want to be legalistic about it, but as I look back, I can tell a difference in the years that I have done it and the years I have not, but I’ll write more about that later.  As for now, my 15 minutes is up and I need to get lunch going while a little guy of mine is napping.  Santa Fe Black Bean Soup, here I come!  :-)

Words: 620

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