Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Month Has Come & Gone

Looking at today's date, I realize it really has been a month since we miscarried Rogers' Baby #3.  It's hard to believe that if we hadn't, I would be creeping up to the end of our first trimester.


I dislike reminders that there is no longer a child growing and thriving in my womb.

For those of you who have gone through this, or struggle with other battles such as infertility, I wanted to share a poem a dear friend, and our daughter's namesake, wrote:

A Flower for a Friend

I don’t know what you’re going through.

But I know how it feels

to grieve without a funeral,

to ask “why?” to the ceiling,

to miss someone you’ve never met.

I have felt the injustice

of reckless insensitivity

of comments that pierce like knives

of children abused, unwanted, abandoned.

I know what it means to carry around an invisible grief on your back every day,

a grief that feels

like it should disable you,

like you should be in a wheelchair.

I’ve memorized all the faces of suffering–anger, fear, jealousy, despair.

People say, “It will get better.”

Which isn’t exactly true.

But you will learn to live with it, like someone who’s lost his right arm learns to live with just the left.

Dear friend, I don’t know what you’re going through.

I’ve never walked the path you’re on.

But I have walked the one beside it.

-Emily Wilson

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